Particle Theory Seminar: Dyonic bound states. - Anson Hook, University of Maryland

1:30 pm MCP 201

Dyonic bound states.
We study (multi) fermion - monopole bound states, many of which are the states that dyons adiabatically transition into as fermions become light. The properties of these bound states depend critically on the UV symmetries preserved by the fermion mass terms, their relative size, and the value of θ. Depending on the relative size of the mass terms and the value of θ, the bound states can undergo phase transitions as well as transition from being stable to unstable. In some simple situations, the bound state solution can be related to the Witten effect of another theory with fewer fermions and larger gauge coupling. These bound states are a result of mass terms and symmetry breaking boundary conditions at the monopole core and, consequently, these bound states do not necessarily have definite quantum numbers under accidental IR symmetries. Additionally, they have binding energies that are O(1) times the fermion mass and bound state radii of order their inverse mass.

Event Type


Jan 22