
All of our seminars, group meetings, journal clubs and other events are available on our YouTube Channel here. Essentially all our events can be attended remotely via zoom. Some of these events, like the student journal club, are intentionally not visible to the public. If you want to see those recorded talks, please contact the organizers for a link. 

Click on the seminar link below to view the abstract for the talk:

Kadanoff Seminar: Generalized Higher Landau Levels: Quantized Integrated Trace Formula and Implication for non-Abelian States. - Jie Wang, Harvard University

1:30 pm MCP 201

Generalized Higher Landau Levels: Quantized Integrated Trace Formula and Implication for non-Abelian States.

May 20

Special Kadanoff Lunch Seminar: Hierarchy construction for fractional quantum hall states via condensable algebras. - Carolyn Zhang, Harvard

12:00 pm MCP 3rd Floor Atrium

Hierarchy construction for fractional quantum hall states via condensable algebras.

May 21
May 29